After several revisions of my original
circuit, I arrived at a PCB design that I'm very pleased with. The new LV-100 lunchverb has a re-voiced reverb driver and recovery stage, a new tone control, an input level switch, a 9V battery connection, and it has gained the ability to drive 600 ohm tanks as well as 8 ohm via an internal impedance switch.
By taking readings from a 1967 Super Reverb, I was able to get a clearer picture of how the Fender circuit actually interacts with the tank and surprisingly, I found way more low frequencies than expected. By letting more low end through the driver and compensating with more high pass filtering in the recovery stage, I was able to get exactly the springy attack sound that I was after. I had some PCB's made and worked out a design for the whole assembly to optimize efficiency when building several at a time.